Kadınlara Yönelik ve Aile İçi Şiddeti Önleme ve Mücadele : Avrupa Sözleşmesi’ni onaylayan ilk ülke Türkiye !





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Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı: Parasal ve İdarî destek





Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar

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Bedelli Askerlik Yasalaştı : Alavere, dalavere yoksul vatandaş askere

Niye zengin bedelli yapıyor, niye yoksul zor durumda. Bunun ortası yok mu ?

Tasarıya göre, 30 yaşından gün alanlar, 30 bin TL karşılığında bedelli askerliği hak kazanacak ve 21 gün temel askerlik hizmetinden muaf tutulacak.

İşçi, işveren sıfatıyla veya bir meslek ve sanat sahibi olarak yurtdışında oturma ve çalışma iznine sahip olanlar, en az 3 yıl süre ile fiilen yabancı ülkelerde çalışmış olmaları şartıyla 10 bin Avro ödeyerek, 21 gün süreli temel askerlik eğitimine tabi tutulmadan muvazzaf askerlik hizmetini yerine getirmiş sayılacak.

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Politically-motivated murders : Not effectively investigated

This feeds a culture of impunity

Assassinations of human rights defenders, investigative journalists, activist lawyers and critical opinion makers have not been seriously investigated in a number of critical cases. These flagrant examples have come to symbolise the phenomenon of impunity, which encourages further murders and has a chilling effect on public debate, says Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in his latest Human Rights Comment published today.

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China’s price for saving the euro

With the health of the euro now critical, the search goes on for emergency financing from around the world. The head of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), Klaus Regling, is today reporting back to Eurozone finance ministers on the willingness of external lenders – especially China – to contribute to a euro rescue fund. Lire la suite

Alevilerin katli helal(mi)dir !

©Münir Kebir

Bilmeyenlere başta söyleyeyim, Cemahiriye; dini ve etnik toplulukların meydana getirdiği yönetim biçimi demektir.Yani Cumhurun erki değil, kitle ya da aşiret türü yığınların erki demek.


Türkçe’de bu kelime için “Komite” tanımlaması yer alır.Ama,doyurucu bir anlam taşımadığı için,düzene uygun kabul edilirse adına “Kurul” denilir.Düzene uygun görülmezse, illegal örgüt tamlamasıyla adlandırılır. Lire la suite

Kitap fuarının verimliliğini yükseltmek gerek.


30. Uluslararası İstanbul Kitap Fuarı curcunası, 12 ile 20 Kasım 2011 tarihleri arasında yaşandı. İlk kitap fuarı 1982 yılında İstanbulda bir otel salonunda, 28 yayınevinin katılımıyla yapıldı. Ziyaretçi sayısı, 20 bin. Bu yıl 600’e yakın yayınevi katılıyor.Geçen yıl fuarı 410 .000 kişi ziyaret etti. Geçen yıl curcunaydı, bu yıl daha da curcuna…

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Turquie : Entre USA-Europe et Iran,Syrie,Russie (en-fr)

Paris demande la présence de la Turquie au conseil européen

La France a proposé que la Turquie, non membre de l’Union européenne, participe jeudi au Conseil des ministres des Affaires européennes pour discuter de la situation en Syrie, a déclaré lundi le ministère des Affaires étrangères.

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Turkey as a model for a multicultural region ?: Three internal factors are preventing…

Turkey and the Middle East:

Internal Confidence, External Assertiveness

By Fadi Hakura

  • Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is determined that Turkey should be the leading player in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the light of the country’s economic growth and healthy bilateral trade with MENA. Lire la suite

Bir İzmir Öyküsü.

Yoksa, sevmek…


Toza bulanmış bir gün sonunda, kalabalığın içinde konuşmadan yan yana duruyorlardı. Çekingen elleriyle yakasının kötü kıvrımını düzeltti. “Vardığını bildirirsin” dedi. O ise sözcüklerini bulmada zorlanıyor ya da bulmak istemiyordu. Konuşmanın, duyguları iletmenin tek yolu sözcüklerden mi geçmeliydi her zaman? Gözleriyle yanıt veremez miydi sanki. Ama onun gözlerinin içine bakmaya çekiniyor, hatta biraz da korkuyordu galiba. Bu çekingenliğini üzerinden atamamıştı bir türlü, uzunca bakamıyordu işte onun gözlerine.

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Muharip askerlik veya cephe gerisinde destek hizmet vererek askerlik yapmak !


1982 Yılında vaftiz edilmesinin ardından, Yahova Şahidi olan 1969 doğumlu Yusuf Erçep; dini gerekçelerle askerlik yapmak istemedi. AİHM; (Karar Metni)  zorunlu askerlikten kaçan Erçep’e verilen cezaların, demokratik bir toplumda gereksiz olduğu tespitinde bulundu.

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The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women : Domestic violence is a persistent problem

Protection orders for victims of domestic violence

Version française !

Rapport : Ordonnances de protection pour les victimes de violence domestique

Avis : Ordonnances de protection pour les victimes de violence domestique

Rapport : La violence psychologique

Avis : La violence psychologique

L’ONU appelle à l’action politique contre les violences faites aux femmes

« Prevalence rates for Europe do not exist, but an overview of national surveys suggests that from one fifth to one quarter of all women have experienced physical violence at least once during their adult lives and more than one tenth have suffered sexual violence involving the use of force. Figures for all forms of violence, including stalking, are as high as 45%. The majority of such violent acts are carried out by men in the women’s immediate social environment, most often by partners or ex-partners »

« There is never any excuse for any form of abuse against any woman. Domestic violence is a crime and an abomination. »


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Buzek’s Official Visit to Turkey : A new civilian constitution is essential.

©Photo ;Cumhurbaşkanlığı

« We must overcome the current stalemate in our negotiations. We should work to unblock chapters where we can, but full implementation of the Ankara protocol would give the accession process a huge boost. It is in the best interest of Turkey and the EU to reach the settlement on the Cyprus issue as soon as possible. « 


« However, the European Parliament is concerned over the extremely slow pace of critical political reforms, in particular, freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of religion and protection of minorities. A new civilian constitution is essential. I was happy to hear from all four parliamentary blocks in the Turkish Parliament about their full support for the work of the cross-party commission tasked with the drafting the new Constitution. Full implementation of the Constitution will be crucial. »

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The main challenges to European security : Eco-fin crises, Terrorism, Organised crime, Poverty, Irregular immigration, Corruption and…

Eurobarometer survey on internal security:

The economic crisis and terrorism top the agenda

The Eurobarometer survey published today accompanies the first annual report on the implementation of the EU Internal Security Strategy (ISS) (IP/11/1453). The survey provides a detailed analysis of the way in which internal security is perceived both at the EU level and within individual Member States. In the course of this survey, 26,840 European citizens aged 15 and above were interviewed in all 27 Member States of the European Union.


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Önce ve son kez « merhaba » – Hej då Gigi !

İyi bir arkadaşlık için dil, din, renk veya milliyetin farklı olmasının hiçbir anlamı yoktur !

©Nazmiye Halvaşi

Bugün ’25 Kasım. Dünya Kadına Karşı Şiddetin Önlenmesi’ Günü !

Kadına şiddetin yok denecek kadar az olduğu bir ülkenin kadını Gigi’yi yazacağım sizlere…

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Erdoğan’s way.

What’s next?

I was reading a critical analysis in The Guardian by Jon Henley about German Chancellor Angela Merkel titled “Angela Merkel: Europe’s savior — or biggest problem?” (Nov. 22) when my attention was drawn to a man on the TV, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the prime minister of Turkey. Lire la suite

Syria-Iran-Turkey: New war scenarios in the Middle East

Uncharted Waters:

Thinking Through Syria’s Dynamics

The Syrian crisis has entered its most dangerous stage, requiring urgent attention to issues that the international community and Syrian opposition have largely been ignoring.

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Milletleri kurtaranlar, yalnız ve ancak öğretmenlerdir.

24 Kasım Öğretmenler Gününüz Kutlu Olsun

©Prof.Dr.İbrahim Ortaş


Doğrudan öğretmen olmasak da eğitim ve öğretim işi yapan akademik kadrolarında “24 Kasım Öğretmenler Günü Eğitimciler” için hayırlı olsun.

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EU and Turkey show hope and optimism for a future that is safe, strong and based on solidarity

©Photo AA

The story of our continent is a tale of sacrifice and brave decisions

« I would like to offer my condolences and words of solidarity to the people of Turkey. Our thoughts are with those who have lost so much in the two earthquakes that struck Van province and who continue to suffer. »

« Europe needs Turkey. And Turkey needs Europe. Thanks to existing agreements and policies, Turkey and the EU have developed extraordinarily strong economic and political bonds of great strategic importance: we make up almost 50% of your trade, 80% of Foreign Direct Investment. And EU enterprises have created more than 13,000 businesses in Turkey. »

« A fair and viable settlement of the Cyprus issue on the basis of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as set out in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, is now urgent. »

« The Kurdish issue is not just an issue of terrorism, it is also a more profound challenge of cultural and linguistic diversity. And an issue of economic development. And an issue of human rights. The member states of the European Union have accommodated in different ways rights and specificities of groups from various cultural backgrounds, from federal structures to self-government, from devolution to decentralisation. »

« Today, I know that the EU and Turkey should also show hope and optimism. That together, we can provide a future that is safe, strong and based on solidarity. That together we can have a prosperous and democratic future for the generations to come. »


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The near-collapse of the EU’s political system.

Why the impossible is also necessary :

Looming behind the euro crisis is a larger and more fundamental challenge

The rise of anti-EU populism across Europe has prevented the continent’s politicians from grasping the political challenges.

Technocratic institutional fixes have only provoked more populism. European leaders are now unable to solve the euro crisis because they can only force inadequate solutions through loopholes in the Lisbon Treaty.

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Importance of The Inter-Cultural dimension in European legislation

To tackle the problems :

Need of specific policies, actions  and co-cooperation.

 « We should use fully our democratic oversight powers in order to ensure that Governments take into account the inter-cultural dimension in the design of their policies and legislation. Ever-closer ties should be developed with all of the actors in the society, particularly with ethnic and religious communities, including minority groups »

« Freedom of thought and expression, human rights, respect for the equal dignity of human beings and non-discrimination, legal certainty and equality of all before the law, political pluralism, separation of powers and a system of checks and balances,– these are the fundamental elements which make up an environment in which dialogue between different ethnicities, cultures and religions can thrive and flourish. These fundamental principles and ideals are not only European but genuinely universal. »



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Rapport / Report :Discrimination fondées sur la religion – Discrimination based on religion

Combattre toutes les formes de discrimination fondées sur la religion

English version follows !

« Il faut promouvoir une culture de «vivre ensemble» fondée sur le pluralisme religieux et le dialogue entre les religions ainsi qu’entre les religions et l’Etat. Toutes les communautés religieuses doivent avoir la possibilité de se voir octroyer un statut juridique et il faut abolir les législations et les pratiques obsolètes et discriminatoires à leur encontre. Le discours de haine et tout recours à la violence à l’encontre de membres de groupes religieux devraient être érigés en infraction pénale et les victimes devraient avoir accès à des recours effectifs. »

« Toute restriction au droit de manifester sa religion doit être «prévue par la loi» et «nécessaire dans une société démocratique». L’Etat doit rester neutre et impartial dans ses relations avec les différentes religions, même s’il a accordé un traitement préférentiel à certaines communautés religieuses en raison de leur rôle historique. »


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EP President Buzek to pay official visit to Turkey & İhsan Gürz Case !

« Turkey and the EU share the same history and the same destiny. Europe needs Turkey, Turkey needs Europe. I would like to reaffirm during my visit the European Parliament’s strong support for Turkey’s accession negotiations with the EU. »


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İnanılmaz boyutlarda ve saygın bir imecenin ürünü (idi).

Yıl kaçtı, “Sanal âlem” diye bir kavramla tanıştırıldık, hatırlayın. İlkin bize çok uzakmış, çok da çözemezmişiz gibi gelse de bir de bakmışız, tek tek yerimizi almışız o koca dünyanın içinde.

Almasına almışız ancak, kullanılan takma isimlerdi, bile isteye farklı gösterilen cinsiyetlerdi, art arda gözlenmeye başlayan türlü suiistimallerdi derken, samimiyetsizliğin, yalanın dolanın adresi haline getirivermişiz o yeni dünyamızı bir anda.

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Syria, Iran, Israel, China, Turkey & cie : World War III ?

La Turquie a des visées sur la Syrie

By Jeremy Salt

Pour la première fois sans doute dans l’histoire de la république turque, un gouvernement turc a adopté une politique de confrontation ouverte avec un autre pays qui ne l’avait en rien provoqué.

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