€500 million in support package to Ukrainian Armed Forces

Council adopted two assistances measures under the European Peace Facility (EPF) that will contribute to strengthening the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, and protect the civilian population against the ongoing military aggression. The assistance measures, worth in total EUR 500 000 000, will finance the provision of equipment and supplies to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including – for the first time – lethal equipment.


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How reliable is the USA, EU and NATO? : The Grand Strategy Behind the Ukraine Crisis

Is the Ukraine Crisis a Planned Crisis? It is possible to see the Ukraine crisis as a way out plan dictated by the world Financial Capital System, rather than a hegemonic power struggle between the USA and Russia. The United States risks losing its worldwide economic and military hegemony. The most influential actor of this risk is Russia. According to the USA, if Russia is not stopped and neutralized in a short time, the USA’s world leadership, hence the possibility of the Financial Capital System to control global markets and maintain high profit shares, may come to an end.


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Milli irade

Yerel ve tepeden inme parlamenter, diktarejimlerinde iktidar nicel çoğunluktadır, onun kararı geçerlidir. Oysa demokrasilerde önemli olan; milli iradedir. Doğru milli irade, yerinden yönetimde de geçekleşebilir; tepeden yönetimde de. Her ikisinin uyuşmazlığında yerinden yönetim seçmenlerinin hakemliğine başvurmak demokratik uygulama olacaktır.


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Yevropa: Muzhnistʹ my z toboyu Slava Ukraïni! мужність. Ми з тобою.Glory to Ukraine!

Dear Ukrainian friends, Russia has decided to launch a brutal, savage war, based on despicable lies. This is the Kremlin’s war. Putin’s war, not the Russian peoples’ war. The EU – have the moral and political duty to rise to this historic challenge. We stand by you. Not just with words, but with concrete and immediate action.


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Akıntıya Karşı Kürek Çekmek

Küresel ve Yurt İçindeki Zorluklar Türkiye Ekonomisinin 2022 Yılındaki Görünümünü Baskılıyor. Dünya Bankası’nın Türkiye Ekonomi Monitörü raporunun son sayısına göre, 2021 yılında beklentilerin üzerinde güçlü bir büyüme kaydeden Türkiye ekonomisinin 2022 yılında artan yurt içi makroekonomik ve finansal zorlukların büyümeyi yavaşlatması ile birlikte çok daha düşük bir hızda büyümesi beklenmekte.


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Latest report on the Turkish economy

Macroeconomic policy settings should adjust to boost confidence and mitigate macro financial risks. Further monetary policy loosening will likely continue widening external and internal imbalances. Tight monetary policy effort is warranted to restore investor confidence and anchor inflation expectations.


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From 1968 Prague to 2022 Kiev

If by ‘Socialist System’ the Soviet and other countries’ rulers mean the political system that was shaped and entrenched during the Stalin era and continued after his death, although more or less changed, the ‘liberalization’ movements that emerged in Czechoslovakia and other countries are dangerous for the aforementioned system.


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NATO, Alliance’s Central European members and EU vs Putin’s Russia

Russian attack on Ukraine should be a wake-up call for the elites of NATO’s Central European members and the rest of the alliance. Europe hasn’t seen anything like this since Adolf Hitler attacked and invaded Poland in September 1939. But that is the brutal reality. To see how we got here and what Putin wants, we need to revisit the build-up to his war.


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What are EU sanctions?: Restrictive measures explained

EU sanctions are targeted at those responsible for policies the EU wants to influence. As such, the measures target only the persons and/or entities in the Annex to a Regulation. The EU’s principled position is that sanctions should always be targeted in such a way as to minimise any adverse humanitarian effects or unintended consequences for non-targeted persons.


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Ukraine Issue or a World Problem ? Ukrayna Meselesi mi Dünya Meselesi mi?

This war is not between Russia and Ukraine, but between the USA and Europe and Russia, but on Ukrainian soil. The United States and its allies are getting closer and closer to their goal of dividing Russia by including Ukraine in NATO. Russia demanded that NATO make a written commitment not to expand eastward. The United States and Europe ignored and ridiculed. This war on the territory of Ukraine will determine how the future of the world will be shaped.


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NATO & EU’s Crocodile Tears Over Ukraine’s Destruction

Whether America and the EU like it or not, the era of ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality” is well and truly over. Its end is not to be mourned but to be celebrated. The only pro-America foreign policy is non-intervention in the affairs of others. Ukrainian President Zelensky is unlikely to survive his turn being America’s cat’s paw to wrong-foot Russia. While he sits in his bunker contemplating his fate, he may well be visited by the ghosts of Saddam and Gaddafi and all those who preceded him in this position. God help him.


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NATO Heads of State and Government : full solidarity with the democratically elected president, parliament and government of Ukraine

Putin’s decision to continue the aggression is a terrible strategic mistake, which Russia will pay a heavy price for in the coming years. NATO allies have introduced sanctions. It’s a long term problem. This will not make Russia more respected around the world. We are deploying NATO intervention elements on land and in the air. We have over 100 jets operating in over 30 locations. We will do whatever it takes to protect every ally. We have more than 120 ships. There are 3 aircraft carrier groups among them. Ukrainian forces are fighting if they are brave. They approached Kiev, the aim is to change the government.


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Russia no longer has the status of a democratic country or a member of the Council of Europe.

The decision adopted today means that the Russian Federation remains a member of the Council of Europe and party to the relevant Council of Europe conventions, including the European Convention on Human Rights.


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EU&United Nations Environment Assembly : Creating a Science-Policy Panel for Chemicals, Waste and Pollution

Defining and promoting nature-based solutions. Nature–based solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems. They simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience.


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Russia’s Ukraine invasion continue and EU takes new restrictive measures: Latest developments, news and analysis.

The European Union reiterates that it does not recognise and continues to condemn the illegal annexation of Crimea as a violation of international law. It remains a direct challenge to international security, with grave implications for the international legal order that protects the territorial integrity, unity and sovereignty of all States.


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European Council conclusions, 24 February 2022

The European Council condemns in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine. By its illegal military actions, Russia is grossly violating international law and the principles of the UN Charter and undermining European and global security and stability. The European Council underlines that this includes the right of Ukraine to choose its own destiny. Russia bears full responsibility for this act of aggression and all the destruction and loss of life it will cause. It will be held accountable for its actions.


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Special meeting of the European Council, 24 February 2022

What had seemed unthinkable in Europe in the 21st century has just happened. Our continent is today once more being drawn into an armed conflict. The Russian military attack on Ukraine has already resulted in the loss of human life and dire human suffering. It exposes millions of people in Ukraine and beyond to the risk of senseless violence, displacement and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.


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Ukraine is militarily alone – Ukrayna, askeri bakımdan yalnızdır.

Ancak direneceği anlaşılmaktadır. Rusya’nın kan dökülmesini ne kadar kaldırabileceğini Putin’in hesaplamış olması beklenmektedir. Kimse gittikçe yalnızlaşan Putin’in daha ne kadar ileri gideceğini bilmese de, Ukrayna’da durdurulmazsa hayalini gerçekleştirmek için ileride yüksek ihtimalle başka fırsatları kollayacağı beklenmektedir.


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What turkish opinion leaders thinking about Russian Crisis?

İkisinden de vazgeçmemiz mümkün değil. Ortada sadece NATO kalıyor.Putin Ukrayna krizinde diplomasi ile savaş arasında at başı giden bilek güreşini Rus Ruleti’ne Ukrayna’ya yönelik olarak başlatılan askerî harekât barış ve güvenliğe karşı bir adımdır. Tarih bize savaşların onarılamaz yaralara yol açtığını ve meşru müdafaa için olmayan savaşların kabul edilemez olduğunu göstermiştir.


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Putin starts the war : Latest Developments, News & Analysis

This is a brutal act of war. This is a deliberate, cold-blooded and long-planned invasion. This is a blatant violation of international law. Peace in our continent has been shattered. We now have war in Europe, on a scale and of a type we thought belong to history. This is a grave moment for the security of Europe. An attack on one will be regarded as an attack on all. Russia is now facing severe costs and consequences imposed by the whole international community.


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EU Leaders’ Summit : to Discuss Russia – Ukranian Crisis

The NATO-Ukraine Commission met in Brussels for an extraordinary meeting to address the security situation in and around Ukraine considers the situation as the most dangerous moment in European security. EU Council adopts package of sanctions in response to Russian decision.


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Küresel anlamda stratejik konu Standardizasyon: AB Küresel Liderliği Hedefliyor

Son on yılda büyük bir standardizasyon gücü hâline gelen Çin’in standardizasyon faaliyetlerinin gerisinde kalmak istemeyen Avrupa Komisyonunun hem yatay hem de dikey standardizasyon süreçlerini etkili bir şekilde planlaması gerekiyor. Bunun nedeni Çin’in, geçen yıl yeni bir Standardizasyon Stratejisi başlatarak yatay, küresel standartları belirleyen kuruluşlardaki varlığını artırarak da dikey standardizasyonunu güçlendirmiş olması.


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EU: ensure fairness in the digital environment and make data more accessible for all.

The Data Act will remove barriers to access data, for both private and public sector bodies, while preserving incentives to invest in data generation by ensuring a balanced control over the data for its creators.


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What If Russia Wins?

After willfully provoking the crisis in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin seems strangely uncertain about what to do with it. Despite preparing both conventional and hybrid military options, he also seems open to the possibility of using diplomacy to achieve his goals. But what exactly are those objectives? Is there a negotiated outcome that Putin is prepared to accept that would end the crisis?


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Kömür üretimi ile tüketimine ne zaman son verilecek?

Türkiye’nin kömürden çıkış stratejisi planlanırken, bir AB adayı ve gümrük birliği ortağı olarak AB’deki gelişmeleri yakından izlemesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Avrupa Komisyonunun hazırladığı ve 2030’a kadar emisyonları %55 azaltmayı hedefleyen “55’e Uyum” paketinde, bu tarihe kadar enerjinin %40 oranında yenilenebilir kaynaklardan elde edilmesi hedeflenmektedir.


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