Council of Europe Assembly debate on The situation in Afghanistan: Resolution

Filling the formal authority vacuum and an inclusive government are critical in preventing Afghanistan from becoming a breeding ground for terrorism. Keeping the channels of dialogue open and guiding the Taliban towards establishing an inclusive political system and government is the most appropriate course of action in the current circumstances. I think, with Afghanistan at this stage, is to try to stay engaged, empathetic, pragmatic and with smart conditionalities.(Ahmet Yıldız – AKP)


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TTIP is dead long live to TTC!!

TTC’s objectives to: coordinate approaches to key global technology, economic, and trade issues; and to deepen transatlantic trade and economic relations, basing policies on shared democratic values.


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Din adamını «DİZE GETİRME»nin Atina/Lefkoşe usulü…

« Hristiyanlık sevgi dinidir, birbirimizi sevelim, anlaşmazlıklarımızı giderelim » diyeceğine, kendini kindarların düzeyine düşürüyor. Miçotakis, piskopos dize geldiğine göre görüşebilirim diyor… Böylece siyasetçi Miçotakis ile din profesyoneli Başpiskopos; az gelişmiş insancıllığın kin düzleminde birleşiyorlar. Kaybeden kendi dinleri ve siyasetleri oluyor, farkında değiller. Az gelişmiş insancıllık düzeyindekiler; hasımlarının övülecek taraflarını övmezler, eleştirilecek tarafları varsa balıklama atlarlar.


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CoE/PACE : Tomorrow’s Urgent Debate – Afghanistan

This Draft Report words should spur Council of Europe member States to analyse what happened in a self-critical way. They should open a constructive and forward-looking reflection on the place of Europe in the new possible geopolitical configuration and pull their weight to support dialogue, diplomacy and multilateralism, with a view to ensuring peace and stability.


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EU: Fight against migrant exploitation

New initiatives aim to prevent organised exploitation of migrants and reduce irregular migration, in coherence with the New Pact’s aim to promote sustainable and orderly management of migration. They will address both persistent challenges in dismantling organised criminal groups, as well as the need to adapt to new challenges including state-sponsored migrant smuggling, in response to the situation at the EU’s external borders.


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EU missions

Missions are a new, ambitious instrument to tackle some of our main challenges. They set clear goals to be achieved in a specific timeframe. They will deliver impact by putting research and innovation into a new role, combined with new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as by engaging citizens.


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The commission “singled out” Turkey outside of the enlargement perspective unacceptable for the EU to equate Turkey with its Southern Neighbours, which have no EU membership perspective nor do they enjoy the advanced level of integration with the EU such as the Customs Union. Associating this department only with migration and security implies disregarding the multidimensional and intricate relations between Turkey and the EU encompassing issues such as climate, health and energy, and it is certain that it will be insufficient (more)


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PACE Autumn Session

Highlights include debates on the humanitarian consequences of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan; restoring social trust by strengthening social rights, and strengthening the fight against so-called “honour” crimes. Urgent debates have been requested on the situation in Afghanistan; « Political persecution of indigenous peoples in Crimea by Russia »;


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EU: Pharmaceutical Strategy Reform for Europe

This is the latest step towards an ambitious reform by the end of next year. A regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals, which is modernised and fit for purpose. We call on all interested citizens and stakeholders to help us shape EU rules for the future, responding to patients’ needs and keeping our industry innovative and globally competitive


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«Namus Belâsı» Avrupa Konseyi Gündeminde: so-called “honour” crimes

Council of Europe member States should intensify their efforts to prevent and combat violence against women, domestic violence and violence against LGBTI persons, denounce a system of oppression linked to so-called « honour » and strengthen their actions to combat so-called “honour” crimes.


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EU: Sağlıklı Yaşam – Healthy Lifestyle

Two-year campaign involves civil society, non-governmental organisations, national, local and regional authorities and international bodies. All involved will implement several actions for Europeans to be more active and more mindful of their health.


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Bir kaşık Ege ve Akdeniz suyunda “FIRTINA” kopartmak!!

Soru; sözel yada görsel veya hem sözel hem görsel olarak iki gözden iki kulaktan rahatça iç dünyamıza giren nazik bir silah tır. Bizi savunmaya veya saldırmaya mecbur eder.Aksini kanıtlayarak dışlamadıkça içimizde kalmaya devam eder ve amacına ulaşır. Soru, bildiri gibi hasmı küçük görerek tepeden saldırmaz; gülümseyerek cepheden saldırır.


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EU rules on the acquisition and possession of firearms.

EU. sets common minimum standards on the acquisition, possession, and commercial exchange of civilian firearms, The rules allow for the lawful use and movement of firearms while preventing firearms from falling into the wrong hands, therefore helping to break the business models of criminals and combat organised crime


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EU: a high level of interest in science and technology

9 in 10 EU citizens (86%) think that the overall influence of science and technology is positive. They expect a range of technologies currently under development to have a positive effect on our way of life in the next 20 years


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Evrimsizlik, devrimi tetikler.

Devletler Demokrasisini devletler evrimle, evrimle olmuyorsa devrimle gerçekleştirmelidir. Mevcut Güvenlik Konseyi lağvedilmeli ve yetkileri; üyelerinin eşit devletler olarak temsil edildiği BM GENEL KURULU‘na devredilmelidir.


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Do you have new integrated European Student Card?

The future is digital, and this renewed app will make sure students are going even more paperless. The European Student Card, available through the app, is an important step towards a true European Education Area. One where each student feels included and can get access to the same services and same recognition of their educational background


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Strong Eu support to democracy and human rights around the world in 2021.

Sustainable development and equal opportunities depend on democracy: strong democratic institutions, social inclusion and participatory societies. The EU is fully committed to protecting and empowering individuals, support to civil society organisations, democracy activists and human rights defenders in 116 countries, with particular attention paid to women and youth


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Avrupa Birliği Geleceğini Belirliyor : the Conference on the Future of Europe

In a multilingual environment, the participants of each panel will meet three times to debate, respectively, the following topics: A stronger economy, social justice, jobs / education, youth, culture, sport / digital transformation; European democracy/values, rights, rule of law, security; Climate change, environment/health; EU in the world/migration.

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Mafya yargısı-Devlet yargısı-İlahi yargı insanın dışında ve üstünde emredici, dayatıcı yargılardır. Oysa vicdan yargısı; insanın içinde dayatmacı olmayan uzlaşmacı yargıdır. Etkin vicdan yargısı; sanığın kendi kendinin yargıcı olarak, kendini mahkum veya beraat ettirdiği gerçek yargıdır.


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Turkey – EU : Building a new partnership on past achievements…

The proper implementation of any new design will require mutual trust and good faith from both parties. Needless to say, launching CU modernisation Modernisation of the Turkey-EU Customs Union Building a new partnership on past achievements negotiations without further ado will be instrumental in rebuilding such mutual trust and good faith based on common interests and mutually compatible expectations.


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İktidarın kaynağı; politikacıya güvençtir, inançtır. Yoksa his ve soyut beğeni değil!

Neden mi? Halkın oyunu alarak iktidara gelmek isteyen politikacılar, halkın hoşuna gidecek vaatlerde bulunurlar. Halkı kalbinden kavrayarak inandırırlarsa, iktidar olurlar. His egemen olursa; kızı kendi haline bırakırsan ya davulcuya ya zurnacıya varır…


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AB’den “yardım” isteneceğine, BM’ye gidin…

Dünyada herşey için
Maddiyat için maneviyat için
En hakiki mürşit ilimdir fendir
İlim ve fennin haricinde mürşit aramak
Gaflettir cehalettir dalalettir
Duygusu düşüncesi davranışı içinde olan özgür kişidir


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New EU Export Rules and potential security risks arising from biotech, Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies.

The EU is today strengthening its ability to respond to new security risks and emerging technologies. with possible military or security use while enhancing the EU’s capacity to protect human rights


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EU’s leading position among the world’s biggest exporters of agri-food products

2020 was an exceptionally challenging, yet successful year for EU agri-food trade, which reached a total value of €306 billion. The value of EU exports fell most to the United States, Turkey, Singapore and Japan.


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Dördüncü erkin denetimi ve Basının görevi…

Toplumları çürüten yolsuzluklarla topyekün mücadele edilebilmesi açısından ; kamuoyu oluşturmak ve bireyleri bilinçlendirmek için basının çekinmeden bu tür olayların üzerine gitmesi, basının yeri geldiğinde ve sınırları içerisinde kalmak kaydıyla her üç erki ve mensuplarını da eleştirebilmesi gerekir.


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